Asbestos identification | Asbestos Limited Kent

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The testing process

This can be required if a potential Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) is found and needs prompt asbestos identification.

We attend site, sample the suspect material and recommend how to contain an area until the result is known. Samples are then analysed at a UKAS accredited laboratory to confirm asbestos identification. (Note that we always take photographs to verify the location and condition of the collected sample).

If we strongly suspect the sample contains asbestos, we will gather additional information to assist with further recommendations.


After asbestos identification, the analysis by a UKAS accredited laboratory provides a data sheet informing you of the type of asbestos present i.e. Chrysotile, Amosite or Crocidolite. It also confirms the type of product it is found in: asbestos insulation board, asbestos cement etc.

Next steps

This analysis report, along with the product location and condition, assists with the risk assessment. It also gives an indication of whether a product requires notification to the H.S.E and whether a licensed contractor is required. (Refer to Asbestos Management Plan for more detail.)

If you want to bring samples to us, this is possible but please contact us so we can book an appointment and confirm the required information.